About CIC

About CIC

The computer and Information Center was established in the year 1979 to provide the following services:

  • Programming and developing computerized information systems related to the various work units of the University and to maintain those systems to meet the  business needs.
  • Maintenance and Development of the University websites and e-services.
  • Operation, maintenance and developing the main servers and updating the University data on a permanent basis.
  • Technical support services to maintain the personal computers and their peripherals and accessories.
  • Operation and Maintenance of the University network and providing Internet service to all laboratories and offices of the University faculty and staff.
  • Training and consulting services in the field of computer and information systems in coordination with the Queen Rania Center for Jordanian Studies and Community  Services.

In addition, the Computer Center Embracing the ICDL (International Computer Driving License) Testing Center, which is adopted by UNESCO, and  puts up the technical specifications of computer systems, network devices and equipment, software, business applications and personal computers and the related accessories and peripherals required by the different work units and various university facilities.


Moreover, the computer center staff participates in technical committees of the Central Tenders Committee and the Procurement Committee of the Supplies Department to investigate the offers to purchase these systems, software, hardware and equipment. 


The Computer Center performs these tasks and duties throughout the following sections: Divan, Academic System, Information Systems Management, Computer Systems, Networks, and Maintenance, Financial and Health Assurance Systems, Human Resources Systems, Web Applications and Archiving, and Inventory, Logistics, and Maintenance Systems.

Computer Information Center

Contact Us

Yarmouk university, Irbid - Jordan

009627211111 (2551)

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+96227211111Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163