Financial and Health Insurance Systems

Financial and Health Insurance Systems


  • Developing Financial System that include budgeting, receivables, payables, payrolls, etc., and Funds Management System, in coordination with the Department of Finance.
  • Developing Health Insurance System in coordination with the Department of Human Resources.
  • Developing the Student Information System in coordination with YU Model School.
  • Developing the Investments Management System in coordination with Investments Department.
  • Developing Belling System for both YU and JUST Health Centers.
  • Developing Vehicles Campus Entrances Management System for Security Department.
  • Implement all tasks and changes requested from related departments, and solve the technical problems encountered in their work.
  • Follow-up and management of tasks in the division to ensure the progress of work properly, qualifying members of the division to involve them in the process of development, maintenance, systems management, and documentation according to the adopted policies.
  • Supervise the systems and programs to ensure their integrity and functioning properly.

Systems developed and supervised by the division

  • Financial System that include budgeting, receivables, payables, payrolls, etc.,
  • Funds Management System.
  • Health Insurance System.
  • Student Information System for YU Model School.
  • Investments Management System.
  • Belling System for both YU and JUST Health Centers.


  • Vehicles Campus Entrances Management System.
Computer Information Center

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